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Putin and Saudi Crown Prince got real bro
  来源:苹果蓝号检测  更新时间:2024-07-27 16:34:30

It's G20 Summit season again, folks, which means it's time for a whole lot of handshakes.

On Friday, leaders from around the world gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to discuss global issues, and two close pals -- who also happen to be some of the world's most controversial leaders -- shared a very memorable handshake.

Right before the Russian president Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman took their seats next to each other, cameras captured them saying hello, grinning widely, and engaging in quite the shake. Seriously... it looks like the stuff of exclusive BFFs.

Both Putin and the Crown Prince have been accused of having journalists killed, and both leaders have made negative headlines in the United States recently.

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So for many, seeing the handshake and subsequent laughter the two shared was extremely unsettling.

Trump cancelled his G20 meeting with Putin on Twitter Thursday, amid new revelations from Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen about the president's involvement in Russian business dealings during his campaign. Trump said his reason for cancelling, however, was tied to Russia's refusal to return ships and sailors to Ukraine.

And Trump's relationship with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince came under scrutiny this month after the CIA announced it believed Mohammed bin Salman ordered the death of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump received a great deal of backlash for his response to Khashoggi's brutal murder after refusing to condemn the Crown Prince's involvement.

Some have noticed Trump seems to be keeping his distance from the two leaders so far, but he will reportedly have a impromptu meeting with Putin at some point before the summit is finished.

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